Analyze Store Performance with Duration Reports
See all reports including earnings, expenses, and sales for the day, month, year, or any date range. Our POS mobile app lets you navigate through all your reports easily.

Gain a Clear View of Your Profit and Loss
Easily view and monitor your profits and losses and make informed decisions to drive your business to success. Track your revenue, expenses, and net income, giving you a comprehensive understanding of your financial performance.

Analyze your Reports on Screen and Paper
Simply view your store's profit and expense reports on your mobile phone. And if you prefer on paper, you can easily export and print it anytime!

Take control of your store operation and increase efficiency with Peddlr POS mobile app for your business. Track inventory efficiently even without an internet connection to ensure uninterrupted productivity.
No more guesswork or digging through spreadsheets – Peddlr POS app centralizes all essential inventory data for you. Experience easier and faster inventory management for your small business.
Eliminate the need for manual recording and welcome a more efficient process of tracking all your expenses. It’s like your personal assistant - capturing your spending in real-time for effortless financial management.